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Workshop: Exploration of climate science in Central Asia

This workshop will build from an online survey on climate change in Central Asia that GEWEX and START recently initiated with assistance from the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) in Bishkek. The survey report can be found here.  

An important outcome of this workshop will be to collaboratively identify key priorities for research and capacity development, regionally based individuals who can provide provisional leadership, and a plan for mobilizing resources that builds towards a GEWEX Regional Hydroclimate Project (RHP), and that serves to inform the emerging WCRP RIFS (Regional Information for Society) core project.  

The Workshop is set up to provide ample opportunity for discussion and input and will also include a short demonstration of an existing modeling and data systems developed by Princeton Climate Institute (PCI)  that represent the hydrological and water resource systems in the region, including agricultural water use and the impacts of hydrological variability. 

The workshop will provide simultaneous translation services from English to Russian and vice versa. For more information about the workshop and the preliminary agenda click here.

There will be NO Registration Fee!

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